Hi Warrior!
I look forward to helping you gain the freedom and abundant life that Jesus died for you to have as a child of God in His Kingdom! The lies started in the garden and they haven't stopped. The truth will set you free!
It's time to give back what the enemy has given you and take hold of what Jesus paid for on Calvary. He paid a high price for you and purchased you with His blood! You have a new bloodline! We will walk through breaking generational bloodline curses.
Just as the Israelites journey to the promised land, deliverance is a process. They took possession of the land little by little, and He delivers us little by little.
Many begin to sense things breaking off and gaining new levels freedom very quickly, but it's important to be consistent and continue the journey once you begin. The length of time spent on healing will depend on many factors including the amount of trauma that needs to be worked through in your heart (soul).
I have not only experienced the supernatural healing and deliverance of our precious Lord and Savior, but I get to see Him do miracles all of the time in the lives of clients. Ask God for the gift of faith during this journey.
Review the Pre-Ministry Guidelines below and be sure to anoint and cleanse your home and atmosphere with the Home Anointing Prayers before the session.
Let me know if you have any questions!
I declare the Victory of Christ over you!
Many blessings,