This ministry is dedicated to empowering God's children to heal from past trauma, grow in intimacy with Jesus, and walk in your true Kingdom Identity, Authority, and Inheritance. It's time to access the abundant life that Jesus paid for on Calvary!

Hi! I am Dana Lyn and I am a Minister and Deliverance Coach. In each one on one session, not only do we pray powerful prayers, but I spend ample time teaching, discipling, mentoring, and coaching my clients depending on their current spiritual health. Many people believe lies and false doctrine, and have strongholds and blind spots to sin. I create a safe space for each person to gain freedom from the torment of the enemy whether that is shame, depression, suicidal thoughts, fear or other bondage. Deliverance is a journey and God delivers us little by little. Just as the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt, they spent time relying on God in the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. I provide resources and activations to help renew the mind and maintain freedom. As a Deliverance Coach, I counsel and guide, however I can not resist the enemy or draw near to the Lord for you. We are in a spiritual battle every day of our lives and we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. I will come alongside you to stand in the gap and push back the powers of darkness. I will provide the information and encouragement you need to be strengthened to fight with the weapons of warfare and armor God has provided to His children! The victory is already yours through Christ Jesus!

Click here to learn more about Christ Centered Prayer Ministry


To schedule Prayer + Coaching Sessions, you may book here: Dana Lyn Session Calendar or send an email to to schedule a Consultation.

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

Isaiah 61:1

Inner Healing, Deliverance Ministry, Exorcist, Exorcism, Freedom Ministry, Jesus Heals, Holy Spirit Filled


My Testimony

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM

2 Corinthians 3:17


Enjoy this growing list of resources!

Are you looking for Bible study resources to help you grow in your faith? Or books to learn more about deliverance?

Click here to see more!

YouTube Vlog with Brother Mark Chase

I discuss the call to deliverance ministry with my mentor

He Trains My Hands for War


The Bless Collective Shop is a curated collection of products that bless God's Kingdom + help support the ministry

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds

Psalm 147:3


I was crying on my couch telling my husband, “It should not be this difficult to be free. I know the Word of God. I know His voice. I know what the scripture says about me; that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and old things have passed away. So when do the feelings start to line up with the truth?!? When do I start feeling like a new creation in Christ Jesus? When do the DIRTY feelings go away? How long do I have to ‘fake it ‘til I make it?’ What am I missing?!? There has got to be more than this!”

And boy was there something MORE! It is called INNER HEALING and DELIVERANCE! I am so thankful that God led me to Dana’s ministry. I am so thankful that I’m ALLOWED to fully participate in the ministry of deliverance. It is unbelievable that I would need to be “allowed”, but because deliverance ministry has been practically erased from modern day Christianity, I did need just that - PERMISSION! And my faithful Father gave it to me!! 

Glory To God, I am ALLOWED to be delivered! Why?!? Because sometimes the answer to our being STUCK is NOT just, “Well, you need to read your Bible more.” Or “Well, you just need to pray more.” Certainly those are both necessary and we should never stop doing either one! But, and a very big BUT at that, sometimes the things keeping us bound up are things that need to be renounced and cast out! Glory to God!! There is hope!! SO. MUCH. HOPE. I am in awe! God is indeed faithful to complete the work He has begun in me!


My life has been forever changed, restored, and I am set free because of Jesus and Dana Lyn's Inner Healing + Deliverance Program! I have never known anyone like Dana. I met her briefly at a church function, but her beautiful heart for God and her true sincerity of heart really made me feel joyous to be around her. Now, because of her ministry, consistently, patiently helping me and God's divine healing of my mind/soul, and body, I have more joy and peace than ever before in my life! She is so kind, nonjudgmental, friendly, wise beyond her years because of her many gifts, and totally lets God lead and guide her with each person He brings to her ministry. 

She is all about helping everyone who needs to have freedom, chains broken from their past, forgiveness for yourself and others, and go on to have joyous, meaningful, blessed lives, which brings God all the Glory. Do not wait to get in touch with her if you, like me need to be set free, or if you have a loved one who needs healing. You will not be disappointed, and many blessings will be yours. I had a bad foot injury and condition and never liked to wear sandals. She laid hands on my foot and prayed for God to heal and restore it and it is changing back to the beautiful foot I used to have! This is all part of her amazing ministry and God's calling on her life. My husband has also noticed the big change in my foot, but more importantly he and others have seen a huge shift from the peace in my soul. I have been delivered of social anxiety and God has given me a confidence and boldness that I never had before. To God be the Glory! Trust God and book a prayer session with her. Your blessed life ahead depends on it! 


I’ve been praying for help for so many years. I’ve went to so many churches, pastors, people online, etc & I always was let down. I decided to just keep moving forward. Recently I got too weary, I knew something needed to be done & fast. A few weeks ago I broke down & prayed. I emailed many churches & even texted some pastors out of my need of help. I had the worst sharp chest pain in my heart from years of built up pain, anger, depression, unforgiveness, bitterness, rage, trauma etc. Growing up I was severely abused mentally, emotionally, sexually, & physically. I felt very alone and scared most of the time. Dana has been a prayer answered. I’ve been waiting for someone to help me like this for years. I’ve been feeling so stuck. Today we went over so much & I was able to let go of so much trauma. I’ve had nightmares every night for about 2 years now and when I went to take a nap after the session I had no bad dreams. I’m excited for the future and happy I’ve been delivered. I would get so many thoughts and feelings I knew were not mine. I’m happy to know I’m not crazy and it was not me. I’m ready to move forward & feel success. I’ve been stolen from & beat down for so many years. Today is a huge stepping stone for me. I feel such a huge amount of relief and I’m ready to return to working on the dreams God has placed in my heart. Dana worked with me for such a long time giving me all of her attention she’s a beautiful soul & I thank God she was here to help me today & further along the line. Definitely a blessing sent from the Lord. I pray to help others the way she’s helped me. I will remember her all the days of my life. 


Let me first just say, I grew up in the church, was heavily involved in ministries, worship teams, Bible studies…you name it. Yet up until the last 5 years, I would’ve still probably associated the word ‘deliverance’ with some scary, weird, hyper-intense thing you see in the movies that’s only for people heavily demonized or taken over by demons. What I now know, is while we as Christ followers can’t have our spirit ‘man’ taken over by the demonic realm, our bodies, minds (souls) most certainly can be harassed by them. And often times, that harassment can come in seemingly ‘practical’, human forms like depression, anxiety, a cloudy mind, sleeplessness, negative thought patterns, physical illness, etc. While I’m madly in love with Jesus & have walked intimately with Him since I was 10 years old, I have still wrestled with some of the above mentioned. The more I’ve learned about deliverance, the more it disarmed my fear of it & actually made me want to do it just to reach deeper levels of freedom.

I had known & been friends with Dana for years prior to her getting trained in deliverance & healing ministries, and had watched her passionate pursuit for all things Jesus. I decided to do a session with her since I knew her character, trusted her, and knew she’d been training in it. We met over Zoom and walked through our session together, and once we got off, I realized that a heaviness that had been on me for years was immediately gone. It lifted, and it’s never been back. That heaviness was associated with depression, anxiety, and even things that were hard to identify. But it was immediately gone after our session, and has bled over into freedom & healing in many areas since then.

I cannot recommend Dana highly enough for freedom & healing counseling. She is incredibly kind, gentle, patient, joyful, non-intimidating, and meets everyone where they are. And the best part is she’s full of Jesus and constantly checking herself so she can be the purest vessel for Him to work through. There is absolutely nothing to fear about doing sessions with Dana…other than the thought of living in bondage the rest of your life if you don’t do them. I can only pray that everyone in my family & everyone I know will someday be willing to take these easy steps towards a life-changing gift of freedom.


I am so thankful for a friend who referred me to Dana's ministry. I was nervous, not knowing what to expect because it was my first time. Before walking through deliverance, I have noticed myself experiencing certain patterns of warfare. I felt a hindrance in my spiritual life as if something was always holding me back during worship and prayer. I also felt very heavy, and unforgiveness towards myself and just wanted to be set free. I felt completely comfortable with Dana right away. She led me through forgiving others and myself completely. I instantly felt and knew I was forgiven and that I had truly forgiven others. I felt the Lord taking the heaviness away. I was set free from ungodly soul ties and generational curses that I did not know I had. I instantly felt lighter and clear-minded. I have never felt that way before. Going through deliverance has completely changed my life. I feel an enormous amount of freedom in Christ. I feel and know that I am completely free. Certain things no longer irritate me. I encountered the Lord while worshiping the next day. I could not stop laughing and crying at the same time. I literally felt Isaiah 61:3, the oil of joy instead of mourning. I feel like a beloved daughter again who is safe and at home in the Lord. I felt the Lord restoring and putting a royal crown on my head during the session. Jesus is a Redeemer, Healer, and a Restorer! And He uses willing vessels like Dana to redeem, heal and restore His people. Not only was I set free, but I was given the confidence, a clear mind, and tools to stand against the enemy. We are truly loved by the Father, and we are found in Him! I highly recommend Dana for a deliverance session! 


I praise Jesus for this inner healing and deliverance prayer session. Until I joined in this prayer session I didn’t realize how much pain was buried in my heart. I never knew that people’s words and attitudes can cause such heartache and trouble if we don’t forgive. I am a Christian and came from Asia where people worship idols and false gods. A battle was going in my mind before this session and I searched for help. Dana is an anointed woman of God, she is so kind and friendly. She has lead me into prayers, seeking the Holy Spirit’s help, guiding me step by step how to pray and what to renounce and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and anointing throughout that session. Jesus has set me free from many generational bloodline curses, false beliefs, religion, myths, lies, negative words spoken over, guilt, ignorance, condemnation, discouragement, perfectionism, self righteousness, anger, ungodly soul ties, false doctrines, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, revenge, irritation, frustration, impatience, unbelief, all fleshly, soulish, mental strongholds, many more and healed me. After the sessions I am peaceful and refreshed. Jesus freed me and renewed me! Praise and all glory be to Jesus! 


I feel SO incredibly different after my freedom prayer session. God led me through a few scriptures when I got home. Luke 6:18-19, Luke 6:21, Luke 6:40, and Luke 22:31-32. I especially heard Him say, “Strengthen your brothers.” It has always been my mission to set the captives free. A scripture I have randomly opened to time and time again is Isaiah 42:6-7. Lord use me! I feel like I have been given my freedom back! Praise be to our Abba! I have been listening to worship all night and I can barely go to sleep, which is unusual for me, because I am just so excited and happy about what I am experiencing….tears….so grateful. You have no idea how long I have been asking God to send someone who can help me.
He chose Dana to help set me free, and I am forever thankful. 


My inner healing session was transformational. I didn’t know what to expect as it was my first one, but I knew I felt 100% comfortable & safe with Dana from the beginning. She explained to me how the session was going to go & that she would guide me through the entire session. I thought this would be a good thing to build my faith, but it was really beyond what I could have expected. It’s amazing what Jesus was able to show me during that session. I am still in *awe & immediately printed the notes and kept them in a safe place for me to look back on. After the session I felt completely rejuvenated & refreshed spiritually. I had a clearer vision for what Jesus was communicating to me in that moment & a clearer path to walk on. Dana has a heart of gold & puts things in a way that is so simple for me to understand. No matter where you are at in your faith journey, I am confident that if you’re willing to know Jesus better, Dana can walk beside you & start where YOU are. She is a light in this world!


Dana is so incredibly gifted! My inner healing session was life changing. Not only was I able to let go of so many past wounds that were holding me back, but I also felt freedom for the very first time in my life. It was always so hard for me to trust Him without borders because I always wanted to achieve things on my own. This session gave me hope and allowed me to finally see a shift. She walked me through the process and explained everything thoroughly, which gave me so much comfort. I found healing in places that went way deeper than I thought I needed. Being able to work through them one step at a time was absolutely life changing! The weight that was lifted off of my shoulders was significant. I was able to let go of things I was still holding onto. I saw a significant change in my life after I was able to give all my brokenness to God and trust Him without borders! No matter what you are going through, I absolutely recommend doing an inner healing session. You are not too far gone, Jesus loves you and He wants you to be whole! 
