Hi! I'm Dana and I love Jesus! My passion is helping people like you find deeper levels of freedom in Christ. Let me tell you a little about my story.
I walked through the first part of my life trying to find my value and identity in all the wrong things. Nothing satisfied me. I was so empty and discontent. Nobody knew how unhappy I was on the inside. I looked like I had it all together from the outside - a good job, a nice car, etc. I had a God sized hole in my soul that only His Light and Love could fill!
I knew about religion, but I had no idea what a relationship with Jesus meant. My heart hadn't connected with those seemingly cliche words "Jesus loves you". The Lord started pursuing my heart and I finally accepted Christ as Savior and was baptized in 2012. I still hadn't opened my heart fully to God. Several years later, I went through a very difficult trial. It was a season where God shuffled all of my cards as He was pruning my life. I was distraught, angry, bitter, confused and felt out of control. I was crying out to the Lord every day for a week to change my situation, but He wanted to change my heart. At the end of that week, I was at the end of myself! I was on my knees sobbing and I knew the Lord had to take over as I wasn't living the abundant life that is promised in His Word. I fully surrendered and let go of control. It was then that I had a powerful encounter with the Lord and was radically delivered.
The Holy Spirit lead me to a website where I recited a full surrender prayer and plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, soul, and body. I immediately felt what I called the cloak of darkness lift off of me. All of the bitterness, anger, frustration, depression and unworthiness that was weighing me down - it was all gone in an instant! In turn, I felt waves of love crashing over me. I was in a force field of LOVE! I was totally enveloped in the presence of God Almighty and was being filled with more of the Holy Spirit! God is LOVE and I felt His love, joy and peace like never before. That's when I realized who He really is. I knew that Jesus is King, His Word is true, and there is power in the name of Jesus! And that's when I realized who I am - who we all are to Him - His child whom He loves so very much.
Everything changed after that moment. I started to learn about the Kingdom of God and spiritual warfare, and realized that we have authority over the enemy as a child of God and citizen of Heaven.
I vowed to help other believers learn the secrets of the Kingdom that I had not been taught and empower them to fight against the Kingdom of Darkness. I love to share my testimony, the source of my hope, and help people attain deeper levels of freedom in Christ so that they can shift into the purpose God created them for.
I have completed formal training in multiple Inner Heart Healing and Deliverance modalities. I have also created my own with the Lord - The Cast Modality. I continue my studies as a Level 2 student through Invicta Ministries teaching arm, Invicta University. Pastor Mark Chase is an anointed teacher that the Holy Spirit works through powerfully. I highly recommend his book, The Children's Bread, which you can also find linked on my Resources Page.
Jesus reveals keys to how He heals and delivers His people in each prayer encounter! He is ultimately our Teacher and He is so worthy of our praise!
If you need a Deliverance Coach, I would be honored to be part of your healing and freedom journey!
I invite you to visit The Bless Collective shop to help support the ministry.
Many blessings!
Dana Lyn