Bless Collective Academy
Are you ready to start learning inner healing and deliverance ministry and partner with Jesus to destroy the kingdom of darkness as a Remnant Warrior in His Kingdom army?
How do you know if you are called to inner healing and deliverance?
It is important to be called to the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance by the Lord. You will know this through encounters, there will be an insatiable desire in your soul, and you will not be able to get away from it. You will be led to resources, people will be talking to you about it, it will be everywhere you turn. Some of those indicators that you are called might be:
- Has the Lord been leading people to you who seem to always open up and share their past traumas, their deepest fears, and emotional pain with you?
- Do you find yourself interceding and praying for people wherever you go?
- Are you burdened for the brokenhearted and spend time with Jesus daily interceding for your family, friends, and loved ones?
- Do you regularly engage in self deliverance with a desire to be a clean and pure vessel for the Lord to work through?
- Have you spent ample time in the wilderness allowing the Lord to heal your heart and feel prepared to guard your territory so that you can engage in spiritual warfare for not only yourself, but others?
- Does the Holy Spirit provoke demons to manifest in your presence?
About the Remnant Warriors Mentorship:
This 3 month Group Coaching Inner Healing and Deliverance Mentorship features 12 Weekly Sessions for 20+ hours of teaching plus a detailed PDF workbook with notes, prayers, and activations that you can use as templates for your ministry.
The Remnant Warriors Mentorship will enable you to begin your Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry and/or Business if you have yet to do so! This program is meant to equip ministers with the tools and confidence you need to overcome fears, save time, and start without delay!
Dates: Mondays 11/4/24-1/27/25 7:00-9:00 PM CST
There will be 12 Weekly sessions in total; 9 sessions from November 4th-December 30th 7:00-9:00 CST/8:00-10:00 EST with a two week break to work through the Cast Modality for yourself and others. We will reconvene for three final sessions on January 13th, 20th, and 27th to wrap up the mentorship so you can start 2025 with confidence! You will be prepared to walk in purpose to partner with the Holy Spirit to bind up and heal hearts and destroy the kingdom of darkness!
Dana will be leading the weekly sessions live on Zoom. Replays will be available if you are unable to attend live.
You will learn the Cast Modality, a simple and powerful framework to bring souls out of prison and bring freedom to those you are ministering to.
Everyone has been receiving deliverance since the day they gave their life to Christ! God is our Deliverer and He always delivers His children. Many people are frustrated because they reach a spiritual plateau and blockage and don’t understand how to breakthrough. They are in sin that isn’t as easy to recognize. The enemy has blocked unresolved trauma with amnesia walls, lies, and by hardening the heart.
This mentorship will help you increase your understanding of how the enemy takes advantage of the pain stored in our souls.
This training is for those looking to better understand double mindedness, trauma triggers, how to help others cast their burdens to Jesus, and to take authority to command the enemy to release God’s people.
The goal of this mentorship is to lay the foundation for understanding the wounded soul, how to partner with the Holy Spirit to bind up the broken heart, and to take authority to cast out the demons that have been hiding behind the emotional pain (~85% of the legal rights of the enemy are bound up in the wounded soul).
I will be teaching The Cast Modality that I designed based on 1 Peter 5:7 and Mark 16:17. There are many methods and modalities that help you to minister and flow with the Holy Spirit to help heal the brokenhearted. The Cast Modality has been effective for myself and many others! It is meant to simplify the steps needed to get to the point of pain and bring relief and healing to the wounded places.
Mentorship Teaching Topics:
- The Wounded Soul and Dissociation
- The Legal System
- The Demonic Kingdom Structure
- Strongmen Contenders
- Discerning Common Spirit Groupings
- Five Session Phases from Opening to Closing
- The Top Five Framework
- Breaking Generational Curses
- Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties
- Understanding Forgiveness and more!
You will receive a Spiritual Profile as well as my personal Arsenal of Prayers, Ministry Activations, list of go to scriptures and command strategies to use for your ministry!
The goal is that you will have everything you need to begin your ministry or enhance your current ministry offerings. Many are being led to add deep inner healing to their Christian Counseling business as the Lord continues to clean up His bride.
You will have ample chain breaking tools to help your clients break free of bondage and advance in their pursuit to take more territory in the Promised Land!
Prayer and Ministry Activation Topics:
- Generational and Bloodline Curse Breaking
- Forgiveness and Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties
- Shame and Accepting God's Forgiveness
- Perversion and Spirit Spouses
- Renouncing Lies and Death Vows
- and more!
I look forward to being a part of what the Lord is doing to train your hands for war and your fingers for battle to set His people free!
God bless you!
Dana Lyn
Deliverance Coach
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle: Psalm 144:1
Casting your cares to Jesus is a command. The Lord spoke to me when I was starting my ministry. He said "My people don't know how to give it to Me". I have partnered with the Holy Spirit to create the CAST MODALITY based on 1 Peter 5:7 and Mark 16:17.
I spent years studying, taking deliverance and inner healing courses, gathering tools and resources, writing prayers, and the enemy did everything possible to hold me back and make me believe that I wasn't ready to step out to minister to even one precious soul. I am confident that if you apply what you learn in this mentorship, you will be equipped to start holding space for others to meet with Jesus and receive His healing power very quickly!
God placed this Mentorship and Cast Modality on my heart to simplify deliverance so that His people will be equipped and encouraged to step into one of the foundational identifiers of a believer that we see in Mark 16:17 - you will know them by these signs, they will cast out demons.
God wants His believers to cast out demons, heal the sick, and bind up the brokenhearted.
Satan wants believers to be fearful of demons and deliverance.
He also wants Christians to believe one of the biggest lies that keeps God’s people in bondage, which is that they can not have indwelling demons.
Has God called you to sit with the brokenhearted to guide them through their inner healing journey?
Join the Remnant Warriors Inner Healing and Deliverance Mentorship Program today!
Who is this for?
- This mentorship is for women of God who know that they are called to inner healing and deliverance ministry.
- This is for those who want to create space for Jesus to bring healing to family, friends, small groups, and other souls that God brings across your path even if you are not planning to have a full time or formal ministry.
- This is for those already in ministry who would like a deeper dive into healing the dissociated parts and casting out spirits hiding behind the pain and trauma.
- You may also be here because you are going through your own healing and deliverance process and feel you are being called deeper into learning deliverance ministry. God absolutely teaches you through your own journey!
This mentorship is not for:
- Someone who is not willing to sit with people for hours while they process past pain and trauma.
- Someone who is not called by the Lord to do this ministry.
- Someone who just wants to “cast out demons”.
- Someone who does not have a heart of compassion or does not operate in the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- Someone who is more interested in demonology than partnering with the Holy Spirit to bind up and heal the broken heart.
What is covered?
Isaiah 61 lists preaching the gospel and binding up the broken heart before setting the captives free - you will learn why in this mentorship course!
- You will learn about dissociation and how the mind encapsulates pain and trauma.
- You will learn how the enemy takes advantage of emotional pain stored in the soul.
- You will learn how to create space for God’s people to receive healing in an anointed environment.
- You will learn how to take authority and bind the enemy in the opening prayer.
- You will learn strategies for demonic interference in a session.
- We will emphasize force command and non-confrontational deliverance. Interrogation will be covered in an upcoming advanced course after this mentorship is completed.
- You will learn the importance of Deliverance Counseling and breaking legal rights to position the person to receive the healing and deliverance and victory that Jesus has already paid for with the great work on the cross of Calvary.
What is the result of you stepping out into the ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance?
Souls will be healed!
Bodies will be healed!
Relationships restored!
Marriages healed!
Finances increased and multiplied!
Purpose and destiny unlocked!
Spiritual gifts activated!
Intimacy with Jesus increased!
More Fire of the Holy Spirit!
More authority and anointing!
Blessings for the obedience of fulfilling the call of the Lord on your life!
...and a beautiful promise in Proverbs 11:25 is that a generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
You will receive more healing and deliverance as you create space for others to receive! Hallelujah!
But wait, there's more! You will be invited to the FaceBook Group with other Remnant Warriors! You will have the opportunity to connect with like minded women who are learning this ministry, build relationships, facilitate and receive healing from Jesus as you learn this modality.
I will also invite special guests to join us in the FaceBook Group for a few Inner Healing and Deliverance lives to be touched by the power of God!
Be on the lookout for the invite before the first session begins.
This Group Inner Healing and Deliverance Mentorship is valued over $3,500.
You will have ample tools, resources, knowledge and understanding available to you to help launch your Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry at the turn of the year and serve the Lord powerfully in 2025!
20+ hours of teaching and coaching on the live and replays
A simple and powerful modality and framework to create space for others to heal from past trauma...
A Workbook full of prayers and resources to help you jump start your ministry...
A community of women who are on fire for Jesus and eager to learn and grow - PRICELESS!
The investment for the Remnant Warriors Mentorship is $750. You may choose to make a one time payment, there is a payment plan of $250 per month available on the PayPal link below, or you may choose the four payment Shop Pay option at checkout.
New to Bless Collective Academy? Receive an Early Bird discount of $100 for a limited time through November 4th! The discount will be applied automatically at checkout. Discounts can not be combined.
Current Warriors who are transitioning to the Remnant Warrior Mentorship program will be able to apply $200 of the investment from your healing journey for an investment of $550. Use code WARRIOR to unlock your discount! Or see below for your 3 month Payment Plan link.
3 Month WARRIOR Payment Plan $183.33/MONTH: Click Here
One Time Payment: JOIN NOW
3 Month Payment Plan on PayPal $250/MONTH: